belt and road

Mongolia cancels $3 billion coal IPO

The cancellation of a stake sale in the country’s flagship coal mining company comes as economic growth and ratings agencies cast a shadow on the economy.
May 12, 2020

Belt and Road 2018: Nigeria gas pipeline

FinanceAsia examines what China’s Belt and Road initiative has actually brought to the world last year. This is the eighth of our 10-part series.
April 28, 2019

China offers Belt and Road debt-trap antidote

China hopes a new framework might help countries avoid unsustainable levels of Belt and Road-related debt. But, as Malaysia has shown, some hard bargaining may also be in order.
April 26, 2019

Belt and Road 2018: Panama bridge

FinanceAsia examines what China’s Belt and Road initiative has actually brought to the world last year. This is the seventh of our 10-part series.
April 25, 2019